Ελληνικά » CIVIS » 70753, Political Islam in modern Turkey II: mentality and texts

Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies

Course 70753, Political Islam in contemporary Turkey II: Intellectuals and writings, 5 ECTS, 6th  semester. (NOT OFFERED DURING ACADEMIC YEAR 2024 - 25)

Tutor: K. Gogos, Assistant Professor




Aims and Objectives

This course deals with the study and critical reading of representative writings written by some of the most prominent Islamist writers and intellectuals in Turkey. It examines the emergence of Islamist intellectuals and writers in 20th-century Turkey; it puts emphasis on their contribution to the shaping of a distinctive and strong Islamist identity in Turkey.

The course aims to make students familiar with the writings and ideas of writers such as: N. F. Kısakürek, A. Davutoğlu, A. Bulaç, Α. Dilipak, etc. Their socio-political ideas are discussed not only in their Turkish but also in the Middle Eastern context.


Course outline

Introduction to the course (1 session)

The notions “intellectual”, “Islamist”, “Islamic”: meanings and social theory approaches (1 session)

Islamist writers and intellectuals in the contemporary Middle East (1 session)

Islamist writers and intellectuals in contemporary Turkey: historical and socio-political context (2 sessions)

Islamist journals in Turkey (1 session)

The cultural capital of Turkish Islamist writers (1 session)

The work and ideas of N. F. Kısakürek (2 sessions)

The work and ideas of A. Davutoğlu (1 session)

The work and ideas of Α. Bulaç (1 session)

The work and ideas of Α. Dilipak (1 session)

Conclusions (1 session)


Course assessment:One final written or oral exam: 100%; or a final exam 75% plus a written paper (3000-4000 words) 25%.




Basic textbook (s):


 Alternative textbooks:


Abadan-Unat, Nermin, “Ideologische Strömungen in der Türkei in den 90er Jahren”, Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 1997/Νr. 4 (37. Jahrgang), 291-300

Aktay, Yasin (εκδ.), İslamcılık, (Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce: Cilt 6), İstanbul 2004

Bulaç, Ali, Çağdaş Kavramlar ve Düzenler, İstanbul 2007

Dilipak, Abdurrahman, Sorular Sorunlar ve Cavaplar 1, İstanbul 1995

Eickelman, Dale / James Piscatori, Muslim Politics, Princeton 1996

Enayat, Hamid, Modern Islamic Political Thought, London 2005

Euben, Roxanne L. and Muhammad Qasim Zaman (eds.), Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought: Texts and Contexts from al-Banna to Bin Laden, Princeton 2009

Euben, Roxanne L., Enemy in the Mirror: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Limits of Modern Rationalism: A Work of Comparative Political Theory, Princeton 1999

Feldman, Noah, The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State, Princeton, Princeton 2008

Göle,Nilüfer, The Forbidden Modern. Civilization and Veiling, Ann Arbor 1996

Göle, Nilüfer, “Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The Making of Elites and Counter-Elites”, The Middle East Journal, Vol. 51 (1997), 46-58

Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck / John O. Voll /John L. Esposito (eds.), The Contemporary Islamic Revival: A Critical Survey and Bibliography, New York / Westport, Connecticut / London 1991

Ismail, Salwa, Rethinking Islamist Politics: Culture, the State and Islamism, London 2006

Kentel, Ferhat, “1990’ların İslami Düşünce Dergileri ve Yeni Müslüman İntelektüeller”, in Yasin Aktay (εκδ.), İslamcılık (Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce: Cilt 6), İstanbul 2004, 721-81.

Kısakürek, Necip Fazıl, İdeolocya Örgüsü, İstanbul 2014

Mandaville, Peter, Global Political Islam, London 2007

Μeeker, Michael E., “The New Muslim Intellectuals in the Republic of Turkey”, in Richard Tapper (ed.), Islam in Modern Turkey: Religion, Politics and Literature in a Secular State, London 1991, 189 -219

Okay, M. Orhan, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, İstanbul 2006

Rahnema, Ali, Pioneers of Islamic Revival, London 2005

Shils, Edward, The Intellectuals and the Powers and Other Essays, The University of Chicago Press, 1972

Tapper, Richard (ed.), Islam in Modern Turkey: Religion, Politics and Literature in a Secular State, London 1991

Volpi, Frédéric (ed.), Political Islam: A Critical Reader, London 2011

Watt, W.M., Islamic Political Thought, Edinburgh 1968

Yavuz, M. Hakan, Islamic Political Identity in Turkey, Oxford / New York 2003


Γώγος, Κωνσταντίνος, Το ισλαμιστικό κίνημα στην Τουρκία: Συμβολή στη μελέτη της σύγχρονης τουρκικής ισλαμιστικής σκέψης, Αθήνα 2016

Μάζης, Ιωάννης, Νταβούτογλου και Γεωπολιτική, Ηρόδοτος, Αθήνα 2012

Μάζης, Ιωάννης, Γεωγραφία του ισλαμιστικού κινήματος στη Μέση Ανατολή, Αθήνα 2012

Νταβούτογλου, Αχμέτ, Το στρατηγικό βάθος: Η διεθνής θέση της Τουρκίας, Αθήνα 2010

Davutoğlu, Αhmet, Εναλλακτικές κοσμοθεωρίες, Αθήνα 2011

Said, Edward, Διανοούμενοι και εξουσία, Αθήνα 1999